Core, Strength and Flexibility
Erica working In the Body In Balance Studio in Brooklyn . She is working on deepening her core abdominal muscles, her flexibility and upper back Strength using the Wunda Chair. This seated cat series teaches you to scoop back the transverse stomach muscles which flattens your lower belly. The arms when kept straight encourages the back muscles to work. (Go to our Hand/Scapula article to understand the relationship.)

Studio News
Sunset Pilates DVD Demonstration
What’s New In Brooklyn and Pilates
Lou will be teaching her amazing “Sunset Pilates” mat class at Brooklyn Bridge Park, Pier 6 . The class will...
Lou is Pilates
Lou executing the Pilates Side Twist on the Wunda Chair in her Brooklyn Studio. Notice the rib cage extention and...
The Hand-Scapula Relationship
The scapular-humeral rhythm affects the entire arm down to the hand. When the arms picks up an object, the scapula...
Dakota and Pilates/ The Perfect Mix
The Pilates Studio wouldn’t be the same without first getting a big hello from Dakota. He’s the perfect...
Body in Balance™ Pilates TV
Welcome to my new website. I’m very excited about sharing some educational information and videos with you....
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